Connect to HubRise
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you don't already have a HubRise account, start by registering on the HubRise Signup Page. It only takes a minute!
Connect Expedy
To connect your Expedy printer to HubRise, follow these steps:
- From the Expedy back office homepage, click Printers.
- To rename your printer, click Edit.
- Click the Configuration icon next to the printer to connect .
- Scroll down to the HubRise section.
- Click on Click to connect this printer to your HubRise account.
- You are directed to a HubRise user interface.
- In case of multiple locations, choose the location to connect. If the selected location has several client lists or catalogs, click Next to display the corresponding dropdown lists, then select the desired options.
- Click Allow. The connection is now established.
Check Connection
- From the Expedy back office homepage, click Printers.
- Click the Configuration icon next to the connected printer .
- Scroll down to the HubRise section.
- This printer is connected to your HubRise account informs you that the connection is now established.
- Check the name of the location and the catalog you have connected.
Give Access to Expedy Support
For your support tickets to be properly handled, we advise you to give the Expedy editor access to your HubRise account.
To grant access to Expedy, follow these steps:
- From the HubRise back office, select SETTINGS in the left-hand menu.
- In the Permissions section, add and select Manager in the Role drop-down list.
- Click the + icon to add the new user.
Adding a user is the recommended way to grant a third party access to your location. Sharing passwords is not recommended for security reasons.
Disconnect Expedy
- From the Expedy back office homepage, click Printers.
- Click the Configuration icon next to the printer to disconnect.
- Scroll down to the HubRise section.
- Click Disconnect.
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