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Receive Orders

Receive Orders

Connecting Just Eat Takeaway to HubRise allows you to receive orders directly in your EPOS or any other solution connected to your HubRise account.

This page describes the information that HubRise receives from Just Eat Takeaway for your orders.

Items and Options

Just Eat Takeaway orders contain the complete information about items and options, including name, POS ref code, quantity, and price. Deals, however, are not supported.

Order Statuses

IMPORTANT NOTE: In this section, we capitalise the first letter of Just Eat statuses to make them easier to distinguish from HubRise status names. For example, Confirmed is a Just Eat status, while accepted is a HubRise status.

Just Eat Statuses

A Just Eat order goes through several statuses during its lifecycle:

  • Confirmed: The order was confirmed.
  • Error: There was an error. A Just Eat Takeaway agent will call the restaurant.
  • Kitchen: The restaurant started preparing the order.
  • In Delivery: The order is in delivery.
  • Delivered: The order has been delivered.

As a minimum requirement, Just Eat Takeaway expects every successful order to be marked as Confirmed.

When the Status Changes in HubRise

When an order status changes in HubRise, Just Eat Takeaway Bridge notifies Just Eat Takeaway. The correspondence between HubRise and Just Eat Takeaway statuses is as follows:

HubRise statusJust Eat Takeaway status
new, received or acceptedYou can configure which one of these statuses makes the order Confirmed.
rejected, cancelled or delivery_failedError
in_deliveryIn Delivery

Just Eat Takeaway Bridge lets you decide which HubRise status triggers the Confirmed status. This is useful to handle different scenarios when your EPOS updates the order status. For example, if your EPOS marks an accepted order as received on HubRise, you can still notify Just Eat Takeaway that the order has been confirmed.

Other HubRise status values are not supported and are not sent on Just Eat Takeaway.

When the Status Changes in Just Eat

Just Eat Bridge does not change order statuses in HubRise. If an order is cancelled by Just Eat, HubRise will not be notified.

Service Types

Just Eat Takeaway supports three service types:

  • Delivery by Just Eat Takeaway riders
  • Delivery by the restaurant's fleet
  • Customer collection

These are typically associated with specific ref codes in your EPOS, which you can set in the Configuration page of the Bridge. For more information about ref codes, see your EPOS documentation in our apps page.

Order Times

For restaurant delivery orders, Just Eat provides the time the customer expects the order to be delivered. For other types of orders, it provides the time the order should be ready for pickup, either by the customer or a delivery rider. In both scenarios, this time is transmitted to HubRise as the expected_time field.

To set a different time, update the confirmed_time field in HubRise. Just Eat Takeaway Bridge will send the updated time to Just Eat Takeaway when the order status changes to Confirmed. Updating this field after the order has been confirmed will have no effect.

Customer Details

Full customer's details are provided by Just Eat Takeaway for all orders, regardless of the service type. Email address is never provided by Just Eat Takeaway, so this field is always missing on HubRise.

Discounts and Charges

In the order, you can find information about Just Eat Takeaway discounts, delivery charges, and service fees, if present.

Technical Reference

This section describes how orders are encoded in the JSON payloads you receive from Just Eat Takeaway Bridge.

Just Eat Takeaway Order ID

When a new order is created on HubRise, the Just Eat Takeaway order ID is stored in the collection_code field. This is the order reference ID that the customer sees on the platform.


For every item in the order, Just Eat Takeaway Bridge provides the following information:

  • sku_ref: The ref code of the item
  • product_name: The product name
  • price: The price for a single item
  • quantity: The quantity of items included in the order
  • options: The array of options attached to the item
  • customer_notes: The preparation notes that the customer added to the item


For every option in the order, Just Eat Bridge provides the following information:

  • option_list_name: The placeholder for the option list name, with default value Options
  • ref: The ref code of the option
  • name: The option name
  • price: The price for a single item

Every option has single quantity. Multiple identical options are encoded in separate option objects.

Sample JSON containing a single item with multiple options
"items": [ { "product_name": "Eiernoedels", "sku_ref": "1", "price": "4.50 EUR", "quantity": "1", "customer_notes": "Not too salty, please!", "options": [ { "option_list_name": "Options", "name": "Rundvlees", "ref": "102", "price": "2.25 EUR" }, { "option_list_name": "Options", "name": "Extra garnalen", "ref": "116", "price": "2.45 EUR" }, { "option_list_name": "Options", "name": "Teriyaki saus", "ref": "121", "price": "0.00 EUR" } ] }]


Just Eat Takeaway Bridge always includes the customer's details in the customer object.

The customer's name is provided as a single field by Just Eat Takeaway. The first_name and last_name fields are created on HubRise by splitting the full name by the first space character.

Just Eat Takeaway Bridge receives the following information from Just Eat about the customer's address, if available in the original payload:

  • address_1: The street and street number
  • city: The city of the address
  • postal_code: The postcode of the address
  • phone: The customer's phone number
  • delivery_notes: The delivery notes that the customer includes at checkout
  • company_name: The name of the company the customer belongs to
Sample JSON with customer details
"customer": { "first_name": "John", "company_name": "HubRise", "phone": "+3333233232", "address_1": "1 Street", "postal_code": "8888AB", "city": "Alpha", "delivery_notes": "companyname: HubRise"}


The discount applied to the order is passed as a single object in the HubRise discounts array.

The available fields in the payload are the following:

  • name: The name of the discount, which is Discount by default.
  • ref: The ref code of the discount. Its default value can be set from the Configuration page of Just Eat Takeaway Bridge and should match the value in your EPOS.
  • price_off: The total amount of the discount.
Sample JSON for discounts
"discounts": [ { "name": "10% off", "ref": "TH99", "price_off": "0.50 EUR" }]

Delivery Charges

Delivery charges are applied for orders delivered by the restaurant. Just Eat Takeaway Bridge encodes this information in the charges array.

Here are the fields used to describe delivery charges:

  • name: Always set to Delivery charge.
  • type: The type of charge. Always set to delivery.
  • ref: The ref code of the charge. You can set its value from the Configuration page of Just Eat Bridge. Ensure that it matches the value in your EPOS.
  • price: The amount of the delivery charge.
Sample JSON for delivery charges
"charges": [ { "name": "Delivery charge", "type": "delivery", "ref": "TH77", "price": "1.50 EUR" }]

Service Fees

Service fees, when applied, are also represented in the charges array.

The fields for service fees are:

  • name: Always set to Service fee.
  • type: Always set to other.
  • ref: The ref code of the charge. You can set its value from the Configuration page of Just Eat Bridge. Ensure that it matches the value in your EPOS.
  • price: The amount of the service fee.

Customer Notes

Product-level customer notes are encoded in the customer_notes field.

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