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1. Customer Lists

Like catalogs, customer lists exist at either location or account level.

Name uniqueness is ruled by the same constraints as catalogs:

  • At the location level, customer lists are uniquely identified by their name.
  • An account level customer list cannot have the same name as another account or location level customer list.

1.1. Retrieve Customer List

Returns a customer list.

GET /customer_lists/:customer_list_id
Access level:
location, account
Example request:

GET /customer_lists/ag8u4

{ "id": "ag8u4", "name": "Online customers"}

1.2. List Customer Lists

Returns a location's Customer Lists. Includes location and account level Customer Lists.

GET /locations/:location_id/customer_lists
Short endpoint:
GET /location/customer_lists (location only)
Access level:
location, account

Account level Customer Lists of an account:

GET /accounts/:account_id/customer_lists
Short endpoint:
GET /account/customer_lists (account only)
Access level:
Example request:

GET /locations/3r4s3-1/customer_lists

[ { "id": "apm3s", "name": "Online customers", "created_at": "2020-06-25T11:43:51+02:00" }, { "id": "s7ma5", "name": "POS customers", "created_at": "2020-05-19T13:23:10+02:00" }]

1.3. Create Customer List

Creates a new customer list.

To create a location-level customer list, use this request:

POST /locations/:location_id/customer_lists
Short endpoint:
POST /location/customer_lists (location only)
Access level:
location, account

To create an account-level customer list:

POST /accounts/:account_id/customer_lists
Short endpoint:
POST /account/customer_lists (account only)
Access level:
Request parameters:
namestringThe name of the customer list.
Example request:

POST /locations/3r4s3-1/customer_lists

{ "name": "Web customers"}

If a customer list with the same name already exists, it returns an error.

1.4. Update Customer List

Update a customer list.

PATCH /customer_lists/:id
Access level:
location, account
Example request:

PATCH /customer_lists/apm3s

{ "name": "New customers"}

If name is already used by another customer list, it returns an error.

1.5. Delete Customer List

Delete a customer list. Customers and loyalty cards belonging to the list are also deleted.

No event is fired in the process.

DELETE /customer_lists/:id
Access level:
location, account
Example request:

DELETE /customer_lists/apm3s

2. Customers

2.1. Retrieve Customer

Returns a customer's details.

GET /customer_lists/:customer_list_id/customers/:customer_id
Access level:
location, account
Example request:

GET /customer_lists/smpse3/customers/jdj9v

{ "id": "jdj9v", "customer_list_id": "smpse3", "anonymised": false, "private_ref": null, "email": "", "first_name": "Jimmy", "last_name": "Watson", "gender": "male", "birth_date": null, "created_at": "2020-01-18T17:12:02+02:00", "company_name": null, "phone": "+44123456789", "phone_access_code": "8888", "address_1": "1 Town Road", "address_2": null, "postal_code": "N9 0HL", "city": "London", "state": null, "country": "GB", "latitude": "45.7571206", "longitude": "4.8307575", "delivery_notes": null, "sms_marketing": false, "email_marketing": true, "nb_orders": 2, "order_total": "28.40 GBP", "first_order_date": "2020-01-18T17:15:11+02:00", "last_order_date": "2020-01-23T10:13:21+02:00", "loyalty_cards": [ { "id": "slp8q", "ref": null, "name": null, "balance": "13.5" } ], "custom_fields": {}}

2.2. List Customers

Returns customers belonging to a customer list. Filters can be specified.

GET /customer_lists/:customer_list_id/customers
Access level:
location, account
Request parameters:
private_refReturns customers having this private_ref.
emailFilter customers by email. Wildcards (*) can be used.
phoneFilter customers by phone. Wildcards (*) can be used.
Example request:

GET /customer_lists/ag8u4/customers?phone=%2B44*

Note that the + character must be URL-encoded as %2B.

[ { "id": "asdf2", "customer_list_id": "ag8u4", "anonymised": false, "email": "", "first_name": "Charles", "last_name": "Moore", "phone": "+44123456789", ... }]

2.3. Create Customer

Creates a new customer.

There is no mandatory field so a customer can be created with no information then referred to by its unique id.

POST /customer_lists/:customer_list_id/customers
Access level:
location, account
Request parameters:
private_ref optionalstringThe customer internal id, visible only to the client that set it. Typically used for customer lookup. Must be unique among the customer list if defined.
email optionalstringEmail.
first_name optionalstringFirst name.
last_name optionalstringLast name.
gender optionalstringIf defined, must be either male or female
birth_date optionaldateBirth date in ISO 8601 format for dates, ie YYYY-MM-DD.
company_name optionalstringCompany name.
phone optionalstringPhone number in E.164 format (*).
phone_access_code optionalstringThe access code to provide after calling the phone number above. Mostly used by food ordering platforms.
address_1 optionalstring1st line of address.
address_2 optionalstring2nd line of address.
postal_code optionalstringPostal code.
city optionalstringCity.
state optionalstringState.
country optionalstringThe two-letter country code as defined in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
latitude optionaldecimalLatitude of the customer address.
longitude optionaldecimalLongitude of the customer address.
delivery_notes optionalstringInformation provided by the customer to help with the delivery.
sms_marketing optionalbooleanWhether the customer agrees to receive marketing messages via SMS. Defaults to false.
email_marketing optionalbooleanWhether the customer agrees to receive marketing messages via email. Defaults to false.
custom_fields optionalCustomFieldsAdditional data attached to the customer.

(*) The E.164 format must be used for any new implementation. Be aware however that phone numbers retrieved from the API can be encoded in a different format. The E.164 will become mandatory in a future release.

Example request:

POST /customer_lists/ag8u4/customers

{ "private_ref": "2213312", "email": "", "first_name": "Charles", "last_name": "Moore", "gender": "male", "birth_date": "1999-01-01", "company_name": "HubRise", "phone": "+44123456789", "phone_access_code": "8888", "address_1": "1 avenue des Champs Elysées", "address_2": null, "postal_code": "75001", "city": "Paris", "state": null, "country": "FR", "latitude": "48.8589507", "longitude": "2.2770205"}

2.4. Update Customer

Updates a customer. Only the fields present in the request are updated.

PATCH /customer_lists/:customer_list_id/customers/:customer_id
Access level:
location, account
Example request:

PATCH /customer_lists/ag8u4/customers/asdf2

{ "first_name": "Claude"}

2.5. Anonymise Customer

Deletes a customer's personal information.

POST /customer_lists/:customer_list_id/customers/:customer_id/anonymise
Access level:
location, account

The anonymised fields are: email, first_name, last_name, gender, birth_date, company_name, phone, phone_access_code, address_1, address_2, postal_code, latitude, longitude, delivery_notes.

When a customer is anonymised, the anonymised fields retun a null value and the anonymised boolean field is set to true.

Anonymization cannot be reverted. Further updates of the anonymised fields will silently be ignored. The other fields (eg custom_fields) can still be updated though.

Anonymizing a customer also anonymises his/her orders. The customer resources of anonymised orders are modified in the same way as described above.

When a customer is anonymised, an Event with an update type is triggered for the customer and for each affected order.

POST /customer_lists/:customer_list_id/customers/:customer_id/anonymise
Access level:
location, account
Example request:

POST /customer_lists/ag8u4/customers/asdf2/anonymise

3. Loyalty Cards

A customer can have zero, one or many loyalty cards. Each loyalty card defines:

  • An optional name which represents the marketing name of the loyalty scheme.
  • A ref, which is unique for any given customer.
  • A balance of points.

A null ref can be used for no more than one of any customer's loyalty cards. A store running a single loyalty scheme would typically use loyalty cards with a null ref for each customer.

balance is updated automatically by HubRise when loyalty operations are created. This field cannot be changed directly.

3.1. Retrieve Loyalty Card

Returns a loyalty card.

GET /customer_lists/:customer_list_id/loyalty_cards/:loyalty_card_id
Access level:
location, account
Example request:

GET /customer_lists/smpre3/loyalty_cards/slp8q

{ "id": "slp8q", "customer_id": "ve343", "name": "Come back!", "ref": "LOY", "balance": "13.5"}

3.2. List Loyalty Cards

Returns loyalty cards belonging to a customer list. Filters can be specified.

GET /customer_lists/:customer_list_id/loyalty_cards
Access level:
location, account
Request parameters:
customer_idReturn loyalty cards belonging to a customer.
nameFilter loyalty cards by name.
refFilter loyalty cards by ref.
Example request: retrieve by ref

GET /customer_lists/smpre3/loyalty_cards?ref=LOY

[ { "id": "slp8q", "customer_id": "ve343", "name": "Come back!", "ref": "LOY", "balance": "13.5" }]
Example request: retrieve loyalty cards belonging to a customer

GET /customer_lists/smpre3/loyalty_cards?customer_id=ve343

[ { "id": "slp8q", "customer_id": "ve343", "name": null, "ref": null, "balance": "13.5" }, { "id": "65rsp", "customer_id": "ve343", "name": "Come back!", "ref": "LOY", "balance": "1.5" }]

3.3. Create Loyalty Card

Creates a new loyalty card for a customer.

POST /customer_lists/:customer_list_id/loyalty_cards
Access level:
location, account
Request parameters:
customer_idstringThe customer's id. Must exist or the request will fail.
name optionalstringThe marketing name of the loyalty scheme.
refstringThe loyalty card ref. Must be unique for any given customer. No more than one card per customer can have a null ref.
Example request:

POST /customer_lists/smpre3/loyalty_cards

{ "customer_id": "ve343", "name": "Discounts for You", "ref": "DIS"}

If the request succeeds, a loyalty card is created with an initial balance set to "0.0".

3.4. Update Loyalty Card

Update a loyalty card.

PATCH /customer_lists/:customer_list_id/loyalty_cards/:loyalty_card_id
Access level:
location, account
Request parameters:
name optionalstringThe loyalty card name.
ref optionalstringThe loyalty card unique ref.
Example request:

PATCH /customer_lists/smpre3/loyalty_cards/slp8q

{ "ref": "LOYALTY"}

Note that only name and ref can be updated. It is not possible to change customer_id.

balance cannot be changed directly as well. To update the balance, create a loyalty operation.

4. Loyalty Operations

4.1. Retrieve Operation

Returns a loyalty card operation.

GET /customer_lists/:customer_list_id/loyalty_cards/:loyalty_card_id/operations/:operation_id
Access level:
location, account
Example request:

GET /customer_lists/smpre3/loyalty_cards/slp8q/operations/22kmp

{ "id": "22kmp", "customer_id": "ve343", "created_at": "2020-01-18T12:37:21+02:00", "order_location_id": "psm98", "order_id": "mapcm", "reason": "Points earned on order", "delta": "4.2", "new_balance": "17.7"}

4.2. List Operations

Returns the operations on a given loyalty card, sorted by descending chronological order.

GET /customer_lists/:customer_list_id/loyalty_cards/:loyalty_card_id/operations
Access level:
location, account
Example request:

GET /customer_lists/smpre3/loyalty_cards/slp8q/operations

[ { "id": "22kmp", "customer_id": "ve343", "created_at": "2020-01-18T12:37:21+02:00" ... }, ...]

4.3. Create Operation

Create a loyalty card operation and updates the balance accordingly.

POST /customer_lists/:customer_list_id/loyalty_cards/:loyalty_card_id/operations
Access level:
location, account
Request parameters:
order_id optionalstringAttach this operation to a particular order. If defined, an order with this id must exist or the request will fail. An order can be attached to several operations.
reason optionalstringDescribes how the points were obtained/redeemed. The customer will typically see this field when he checks his loyalty account operations from a website.
deltadecimalThe number of points to add to the customer balance. Use a negative number to remove points.
Example request:

POST /customer_lists/smpre3/loyalty_cards/slp8q/operations

{ "order_id": "mapcm", "reason": "Points earned", "delta": "4.2"}

If the request succeeds, the operation's new_balance is automatically calculated, as well as the customer's balance.

A loyalty operation cannot be deleted or updated. To void a loyalty operation, create an opposite loyalty operation.

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