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Push the Catalog

Push the Catalog

This page describes how to export your eTakeaway Max catalog and what information is sent to HubRise.

Exporting The Catalog To HubRise

To export your catalog to HubRise, follow these steps:

  1. From the main dashboard, select Menu > Categories.
  2. From the Categories page, click Export to HubRise. eTakeaway Max categories page for store managers
  3. You will redirect to the catalog export page.
  4. Double check that the selected HubRise Location and the connected HubRise Catalog are correct. eTakeaway Max HubRise Menu page for store managers
  5. Click on Export to push the menu to HubRise.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This operation will replace your current HubRise catalog.

Depending on how large your catalog is, it might take a few minutes for your HubRise catalog to be fully updated.

Information Sent to HubRise

The following sections provide more details on how your eTakeaway Max catalog is mapped to HubRise.


Variants allow you to customise prices and availability across different ordering channels.

Variants must be set up by eTakeaway Max support. If your menu includes variants, they will be sent to HubRise.


The categories in the eTakeaway Max catalog are mapped one-to-one to categories of products on HubRise.

eTakeaway Max sends to HubRise the category name, ref code, and description.

Products and Skus

eTakeaway Max does not support products with skus. For every item in the catalog, eTakeaway Max creates a product with a single sku in HubRise with the following information (if available):

  • Sku name
  • Sku ref code
  • Description
  • Images
  • Price
  • Options
  • Price and availability overrides (if you have variants)


eTakeaway Max supports single and multiple option groups. Options are associated with a non-customisable ref code.


eTakeaway Max supports deals and sends this information to HubRise. Deals are associated with a ref code, and each deal line is attached to a label.

Technical Reference

The following sections provide technical details on how your eTakeaway Max catalog is encoded in HubRise.


For every category, the following fields are sent to HubRise:

  • name: The name of the category.
  • ref: The category ref code.
  • description: The category description.


For every sku, eTakeaway Max sends the following information to HubRise:

  • name: The name of the sku.
  • description: The description of the sku.
  • image_ids: The list of image IDs associated with the sku.
  • skus: A list containing a single sku.
    • skus[0].ref: The ref code of the sku, which will be passed along in orders.
    • skus[0].price: The price of the sku.
    • skus[0].option_list_refs: The list of options attached to the sku.


For every option, the following information is sent to HubRise:

  • name: The name of the option.
  • price: The price of the option.
  • ref: The ref code of the option.


For every option, the following information is sent to HubRise:

  • name: The name of the deal.
  • description: The description of the deal.
  • ref: The ref code of the deal.
  • lines: The product lines included in the deal.

Each product line contains the label, pricing_effect, and skus fields. For more information about HubRise deals, see Deals.

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