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Online Ordering Solutions

Online Ordering Solutions

To connect Lightspeed Restaurant to several online ordering solutions, use the configuration parameters provided below.

By convention, Lightspeed support team uses these predefined codes when they set up the integration. If you configure the Lightspeed back office autonomously, we recommend that you use the same codes, as this simplifies troubleshooting.

For detailed instructions on how to create ref codes in the Lightspeed back office, see Creating Ref Codes.

IMPORTANT NOTE: These codes must be present in your Lightspeed back office and must be included in the configuration page of the online ordering solution.

If you prefer to let Lightspeed support configure these ref codes for you, make sure to use the following channel names in the Lightspeed support request you send to avoid any confusion:

PlatformChannel name
Online ordering solutions, except LivePepperHUBOLO

IMPORTANT NOTE: For codes related to the configuration of food ordering and delivery platforms such as Deliveroo, Uber Eats, and Just Eat, see Food Ordering Platforms.

All Online Ordering Solutions Except LivePepper

For all online ordering solutions except LivePepper, use the codes in the following table.

SectionNameRef code
Service typesDeliveryHUBOLODEL
Service typesCollectionHUBOLOCOL
Service typesEat-inHUBOLOEATIN
PaymentsGeneric online payment methodHUBOLOPM
ChargesService chargeHUBOLO66
ChargesDelivery chargeHUBOLO77
DiscountsGeneric discountHUBOLO99


For historic reasons, LivePepper uses their own ref codes. To send orders from LivePepper into Lightspeed, use the codes in the following table.

SectionNameRef code
Service typesDeliveryDELIVERY
Service typesCollectionPICKUP
Service typesEat-inLOCAL
PaymentsGeneric online payment methodLP
ChargesService chargeSee below
ChargesDelivery chargeSee below
DiscountsGeneric discountSee below

To send charges to Lightspeed, create products with variable _positive_ price in Lightspeed, and use their codes in LivePepper. To send discounts, create products with variable _negative_ price.

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