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Connect to HubRise

Connect to HubRise

TicknCook must be connected to your HubRise account before it can fetch orders. To connect TicknCook to your HubRise account:

  1. Log in to your HubRise account. If you don't have an account, visit the HubRise Registration Page and follow instructions. For more information on HubRise, see HubRise Getting Started.

  2. Select CONNECTIONS in HubRise's menu then View available apps.

  3. Click TicknCook from the list of apps.

  4. Select Connect.

  5. Grant TicknCook access to your registered location on HubRise.

    • If your location has not yet been created in HubRise select Create a new location.
    • For accounts with multiple locations, expand the Choose location section to select the correct one. You might be prompted to choose the customer list and the catalog to connect.
    • Click on Allow.
  6. Your TicknCook account is now connected to your HubRise account.

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