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How Do I Reactivate A Suspended Account?

An account is suspended if you do not pay for your HubRise subscription, or if your payment is unsuccessful. A suspended account cannot receive orders and cannot communicate with the connected apps.

To reactivate a suspended account, you need to pay for the subscription, and then reestablish the service.

Register a Payment Method

To verify your registered payment method or add a new one to your HubRise Account, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your HubRise account.
  2. Click on SETTINGS.
  3. To pay all at Account level, verify All locations is selected. To pay invoices per Location, select the Location from the Location dropdown.
  4. In the Payment section, review your payment method details. If there is no existing payment method, click Add payment method.
  5. Enter your credit card details.
  6. Click Save.

Pay the Outstanding Request for Payment

To pay the outstanding payment request after you set up the payment method, follow these steps:

  1. In your HubRise back office, click on SETTINGS.
  2. In the Requests for payment section, review the details of the outstanding payment. You can see the description of the payment, the payment deadline, and the total amount due. Depending on your set up, requests for payment might be available at Account or Location levels.
  3. To pay your invoice, click on the Cart icon cart icon under PAY. Pay your first invoice for an outstanding HubRise invoice
  4. Follow the instructions on screen to authorise the payment.

IMPORTANT NOTE: During the payment authorisation process, your bank might verify the payment via 3D Secure or other processes necessary to authorise direct debit on your card. Check with your bank about the standard authorisation process.

For more information about HubRise usage plans, see Usage.

Reestablish the service

Once the payment of the outstanding Requests for payment is effective you can reactivate your Account, or your Location.

  1. In your HubRise back office, click on SETTINGS.
  2. Depending on your set up, you might need to re-establish the at Account or Location levels. For Account level, verify that All locations is selected. For Location level, select the Location from the Location dropdown.
  3. Click Re-establish the service immediately.
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