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Can I Back Up My Uber Eats Menu Before a Catalog Push?

When you push a HubRise catalog into Uber Eats, the existing menu is erased. If you want to keep a copy of your Uber Eats menu, you can back it up in your HubRise account.

To make a copy of the Uber Eats menu, follow these steps:

  1. Pull your Uber Eats menu into a HubRise catalog. For more information, see Pull the Catalog.
  2. Duplicate the catalog using Catalog Manager. Use an easily identifiable name, such as Uber Eats Backup. This catalog should not be edited. For more information, see Duplicate a Catalog.
  3. Edit the first catalog in Catalog Manager, or use another app to overwrite the catalog.
  4. When the catalog is ready, push it back to Uber Eats. For more information, see Push the Catalog.

To restore the Uber Eats menu, follow these steps:

  1. Disconnect Uber Eats Bridge, and reconnect it by selecting the backup catalog. Our support team can help you with this step.
  2. Push the backup catalog into Uber Eats. For more information, see Push the Catalog.
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