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Push the Catalog

Push the Catalog

With Uber Eats Bridge, you can push your HubRise catalog into your Uber Eats store with a single click.

You can also configure the bridge to push your catalog to Uber Eats every time it is updated on HubRise. For more information, see Catalog.

This page explains how to push your catalog, and what information is sent to Uber Eats.

Populate a HubRise Catalog

To update your menu in Uber Eats, you should have a HubRise catalog first. Many apps connected with HubRise, including EPOS solutions, online ordering solutions and food ordering and delivery platforms offer the ability to push their menu into HubRise. Refer to your app documentation on the HubRise Apps page to verify.

Alternatively, you can populate a HubRise catalog by pulling the menu from an existing Deliveroo or Uber Eats store. For more information, refer to these links:

Manual Catalog Push

Once your catalog is populated on HubRise, you can push it manually to your Uber Eats store by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your HubRise account.
  2. Select the HubRise account and location connected with your Uber Eats store.
  3. Open the CONNECTIONS page, then select Uber Eats Bridge from the list of connected apps.
  4. In Uber Eats Bridge, select the Actions tab, check the name and the ID of the HubRise catalog, then click Push catalog.
  5. Check your Uber Eats online menu.

Manual Catalog Push on HubRise

IMPORTANT NOTE: A catalog push also updates your Uber Eats Opening hours and Customer notes settings, as defined in the Configuration page. Before pushing the catalog, make sure that these settings are correct.

Automatic Catalog Push

Uber Eats Bridge can automatically push your catalog to Uber Eats every time it is updated on HubRise. By default, this option is turned off. You can enable it by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your HubRise account.
  2. Select the HubRise account and location connected with your Uber Eats store.
  3. Open the CONNECTIONS page, then select Uber Eats Bridge from the list of connected apps.
  4. In Uber Eats Bridge, select the Configuration tab.
  5. In the Catalog section, tick Enable automatic catalog push.
  6. Click Save.

Information Sent to Uber Eats

The following sections provide more details on how your HubRise catalog is mapped to Uber Eats.


Uber Eats Bridge maps HubRise categories to Uber Eats categories. The category name, ref code, and description are sent to Uber Eats. By default, categories are flattened.

For retail stores, two-level mode can be enabled. In this mode, top-level categories are sent as menus, with their subcategories listed within each menu. In Uber Eats, menus appear as main categories, similar to supermarket aisles (e.g., Drinks → Sodas, Beers).

Two-level mode is only available for retail stores. It must be enabled by Uber Eats support and activated in the Configuration Page.

Products and Skus

Uber Eats Bridge maps single sku products one-to-one to products on Uber Eats, sending the following information:

  • Sku name
  • Sku ref code
  • Description
  • Images
  • Price
  • Options
  • Tags including allergens

For products with multiple skus, Uber Eats Bridge creates a product, a modifier list, and one modifier for each sku. Options are attached to each sku as an extra layer of modifiers.

Options List and Options

Uber Eats Bridge maps option lists and options one-to-one to Uber Eats.


Uber Eats Bridge maps HubRise deals to products with modifiers on Uber Eats.


Menu item images on Uber Eats must have dimensions between 320x320 pixels and 6000x6000 pixels.

Technical Reference

The following sections describe in detail how Uber Eats Bridge maps HubRise catalogs to Uber Eats.


For every category, Uber Eats Bridge sends the following HubRise fields to Uber Eats:

  • name: The name of the category
  • ref: The ref code of the category
  • description: The description of the category

The order in which categories and products appear on HubRise is maintained on Uber Eats.

Products and Skus

For every product with multiple skus, Uber Eats Bridge sends the following information to Uber Eats:

  • ref: The value MULTISKU is used for all products.
  • name: The name of the product.
  • description: The description of the product.
  • price: The minimum price of all skus.
  • image: The URL of the image of the parent product.
  • tags: Tags describing the characteristics and restrictions of the product, such as allergens or spiciness. For the list of available tags on Uber Eats, see Product Tags.
  • barcodes: Only the first barcode is sent, if present.

The list of skus is attached to the product as an array of modifiers.

For every sku object in a product, Uber Eats Bridge sends the following information to Uber Eats:

  • ref: The ref of the sku, which will be passed along in orders
  • name: The name of the sku
  • price: The price difference with the main product, if present
  • option_list_refs: The list of options attached to the sku

For more information about skus in the HubRise catalog, see Skus.

Product Tags

The table below lists the tags that can be set on products.

alcoholicContains alcohol.
deal_onlyCan only be ordered as part of a deal.
gluten_freeContains no gluten.
veganContains no animal product.
vegetarianContains no meat.
allergen_celeryContains this allergen.
allergen_crustaceansContains this allergen.
allergen_eggsContains this allergen.
allergen_fishContains this allergen.
allergen_glutenContains this allergen.
allergen_lupinContains this allergen.
allergen_milkContains this allergen.
allergen_molluscsContains this allergen.
allergen_mustardContains this allergen.
allergen_nutsContains this allergen.
allergen_peanutsContains this allergen.
allergen_sesame_seedsContains this allergen.
allergen_soybeansContains this allergen.
allergen_sulphur_dioxide_sulphitesContains this allergen.
deposit_ccRequires a deposit. cc is an amount in cents.


For every option list in the catalog, Uber Eats Bridge sends the following information to Uber Eats:

  • name: The name of the option list
  • min_selections: The minimum number of options that customers can select
  • max_selections: The maximum number of options that customers can select

For every option in an option list, Uber Eats Bridge sends the following information to Uber Eats:

  • ref: The ref code of the option
  • name: The option name
  • price: The price for a single option


For each deal in the catalog, Uber Eats Bridge creates a Uber Eats product with the following details:

  • name: The name of the deal becomes the name of the product.
  • category_ref: If empty, Uber Eats Bridge creates a default category in Uber Eats called "Offers".
  • ref: The ref code of the deal becomes the ref of the product, preceded by DEAL-. For example, for a deal with ref code abc123, Uber Eats Bridge creates a Uber Eats product with plu DEAL-abc123.
  • lines: For each object in the array, Uber Eats Bridge creates a list of modifiers, with as the name.

By default, when customers order a deal, they must choose one product for every deal line.


Every time you push your catalog to Uber Eats, you also update the opening hours, based on the values you set from the Configuration page.

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