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Uber Eats Terms

The following table explains the terms that are specific to Uber Eats.

Menu MakerApp used to manage the menu in Uber Eats.

Correspondence Table

HubRise and Uber Eats each use their own terminology. The same concept can therefore have a different designation in each solution. The correspondence table below shows these differences.

Uber EatsHubRiseDescription
CommentsCustomer notesPreparation notes on individual products customers can leave when placing their order.
DiscountDiscountSpecial offer on the overall order.
External dataRef codeProduct code.
MenuCatalogList of products.
PartnerAccountBusiness brand.
StoreLocationThe actual restaurant.
Store UUIDLocation IDID of the restaurant.
Utensils and condimentsSpecial itemsFunction in the checkout to request single-use items.

Service Types

Uber Eats offers three types of services to its customers:

  • Uber delivery: Uber Eats dispatches a driver to collect the order from the restaurant.
  • Restaurant delivery: You are responsible for delivering the order to the customer.
  • Takeaway: The customer collects the order from your restaurant.
  • Eat-in: The customer eats on site.
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