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The Configuration page allows you to customise the behaviour of Uber Eats Bridge based on your preferences.


Uber Eats Bridge configuration page, Language section

Choose the language to use for generic items such as Delivery charge. These names may appear in your EPOS and in customer receipts.


Uber Eats Bridge configuration page, Orders section

Order Statuses

Select from the dropdown menu the HubRise status which should make the order accepted in Uber Eats. Refer to your EPOS documentation on the HubRise website to verify your EPOS requirements.

Service Types

Service types such as Uber Eats delivery, restaurant delivery, takeaway, or eat-in might require the corresponding ref code entry. Refer to your EPOS documentation on the HubRise website to verify your EPOS requirements.

Additionally, from this section, you can choose to categorise orders fulfilled by Uber Eats as either delivery or collection orders. Orders fulfilled by the restaurant fleet are always marked as delivery orders. This feature is useful to address specific business requirements or to differentiate these orders in financial reports.

Special Items

Uber Eats offers an option to include a checkbox in the checkout flow for customers to Request utensils, napkins, etc., as shown in the image below.

Disposable items checkbox in Uber Eats checkout

To enable this feature, create a "Disposable items" product in your EPOS, use its ref code in the Disposable items ref code field, and request Uber Eats to turn on this option.


Discount ref code is the ref code associated with Uber Eats discounts in your EPOS. Refer to your EPOS documentation on the HubRise website to know how to handle discounts in your EPOS.


In this section, include the ref codes for the following charges:

  • Delivery charges
  • Small order fees
  • Tips

The ref codes in this section are only applied to orders delivered by your restaurant fleet.


Uber Eats customers can pay for their order either online or by cash for restaurant delivery orders.

This section of the configuration page allows you to specify the ref codes for these two payment methods. Refer to your EPOS documentation on the HubRise website to verify the correct codes to use.


Uber Eats Bridge configuration page, Customers section

Enable the Duplicate phone access code in delivery notes option if your EPOS lacks native support for fetching phone access codes.

All EPOS systems integrated with HubRise can read delivery notes. If your EPOS has native support and this option is enabled, the code will appear duplicated. Refer to your EPOS documentation on the HubRise website to verify the correct value.


Uber Eats Bridge configuration page, Catalog section

Catalog Variant to Push

Catalog variants give you the flexibility to disable specific items or adjust prices for Uber Eats.

If your catalog includes variants, you have the option to select which ones to use. You can select different variants for the delivery and collection menus, or use the same variant for both. When (none) is selected, all items along with their standard prices are sent to Uber Eats.

Category Structure

Uber Eats allows two types of category structures:

  • Single level: all categories are at the same level.
  • Two-level: categories are nested (e.g., Snacks → Biscuits & Crackers).

Restaurants always use a single level, while retail stores can opt for a two-level hierarchy if enabled by Uber Eats support. If unsure, keep Single level selected.

Special Menus

Special menus allow you to schedule different catalog variants for specific days and times. This feature is useful for offering separate breakfast or lunch menus, for example.

To configure special menus:

  1. Ensure your catalog contains the necessary variants.
  2. Select the number of special menus you want to set up (up to 5) from the dropdown menu.
  3. For each special menu:
    • Select the days of the week when this menu should be active.
    • Set the start time (From) and end time (to) for the menu.
    • Choose the delivery and collection catalog variants to use during this time period.

When special menus are configured, Uber Eats will automatically switch to the appropriate catalog variant based on the order expected time and whether it's for delivery or collection.

If there is no special menu active at a particular time, Uber Eats will use the default catalog variants specified in the Catalog variant to push settings for delivery and collection.

Automatic Catalog Push

Select the Enable automatic catalog push checkbox to synchronise your HubRise catalog with Uber Eats whenever it gets updated.


Uber Eats Bridge configuration page, Location section

Select Enable automatic opening hours push to synchronise your HubRise opening hours with Uber Eats. To enable this option, you must first set your opening hours in HubRise, and enable automatic catalog push.

If you use specific opening hours for Uber Eats, you can set them for Uber Eats only by selecting Use specific opening hours for Uber Eats, then entering your opening hours. This option will override the opening hours set in HubRise.


Uber Eats Bridge configuration page inventory section

Through inventory synchronisation, products and options that have a stock quantity of zero can be hidden can be hidden on your Uber Eats store.

Select the Enable automatic inventory push checkbox to synchronise your HubRise inventory with Uber Eats whenever it gets updated.

Save the Configuration

To save the configuration, click Save at the top of the page.

Reset the Configuration

If you need to reset the configuration, click Reset the configuration at the bottom of the page.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Resetting the configuration will instantly disconnect the bridge from Uber Eats. You will need your Uber Eats Store UUID to reestablish the connection.

Resetting the configuration does not delete the operation logs displayed in the main page.

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